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Meet Nautics: "Thoughts on the Ceiling"

Photo by @evaristegindrey on Instagram

With a sound shaped by heartfelt lyrics and indie rock and pop elements, the New York-based band Nautics creates a new and genuine atmosphere with their recent song “Thoughts on the Ceiling”. Nautics, formed by singer and guitarist Kenzo Repola, bassist Van Cameron, drummer Levitt Yaffe, and keyboardist Amir Brivanlou, brings a refreshingly honest perspective and catchy beats to “Thoughts on the Ceiling”.

Read below to find their voices on the creative process, inspirations, and more.

Photo by @veryobviousvulva on Instagram

PPT: Can you describe your creative process for Thoughts on the Ceiling?

Amir: Van originally had a very Billie Eilish sounding demo that he showed Kenzo and I when we were over at his house. We collectively added our mark to his demo while we were hanging out and over the months following. It gradually transformed into the track it is now.

PPT: What themes and messages do you want to convey with Thoughts on the Ceiling?

Kenzo: I think our goal is to allow the listener to find their own meaning behind the words. Usually when constructing the lyrics it’s very organic and relies more on subconscious thought. The actual lyric “thoughts on the ceiling” is a reference to the point in an argument when the person you are fighting with is looking up, distracted by external thoughts.

PPT: Can you share a favorite moment from its creation?

Amir: I mean personally developing and perfecting my arpeggio keyboard patch was really fun.

Van: Honestly the creation process is just a blur at this point, but I like some of the talking you can hear in the background of the song. It just really funny to remember us just hanging out

PPT: The visuals in your videos are diverse yet personal. How do visuals play a role in your music?

Kenzo: The music videos are often a collaborative effort and are usually influenced by outside help. The covers are all made by me. I think the hand painted style is something I admire in other album covers and I aspire for the art to look tangible. Something you would want to hang up on your wall.

Photo by @o0orii on Instagram

PPT: How have your roots in New York influenced your journey as a band?

Levitt: Being in New York has for sure expanded our range of different and unique venues to play at, from Webster Hall to Muchmore’s.

We have also had the opportunity to play with other great NYC bands like Earth Dad and Spud Cannon.

We feel that living and performing in the city has offered us this web of great places to play and great bands to play with.

PPT: How have the sounds and narratives of your music evolved over the years?

Levitt: We definitely started off more rock based, and we still carry elements of that now but we have been in more of a pop phase recently.

Van: I think we’re evolving as people, so our music is constantly adapting with us.

PPT: What have you been taking inspiration from recently?

Van: Movidas - Carino. It’s a super cool pop album from Spain. I’d definitely recommend it, and the tones are so great to listen and vibe to.

PPT: What direction do you want to take in the future with your music?

Levitt: Any direction that includes making music with the four of us.

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